
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

pomegranates - is it good to take pomegranates during pregnancy

health benefits of pomegranate during pregnancy

1.pomegranate contains number of phytochemical compounds that are good for heart and lowers blood pressure during later stages of pregnancy.
2.pomegranate prevents pregnant women from infections like fever
3.pomegranates are excellent for the immune system of the mother and developing baby
4.pomegranate helps in maintaining bone health and density
5. pomegranates contain more antioxidants
6.pomegranate juice for pregnant women may resist brain injury for baby that occur due to low oxygen and reduced blood flow
7.pomegranates are excellent sources of vitamin A and E, potassium and folic acid pomegranate gives a full day's supply of folic acid for a pregnant women
9.pomegranate is the necessary component for the formation of Red Blood Cells(RBC) and DNA
10.pomegranate protects baby from neural tube defects.
11.the iron content of pomegranate can fight against anaemia by increasing haemoglobin percentage during pregnancy

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